SUCCESS STORY 2021.11.04

Wearable Robotics

Case Background

Academia is often the source of innovation, especially in the field of health and medicine. This is why when a new, potential customer approached us, from a university department, we were intrigued with how we and our solutions could help make its innovative idea a reality. 

The team at the university was developing wearable robotics—powered exoskeletons for the purposes of physical rehabilitation and human-power augmentation. The wearable technology not only focuses on rehabilitation with task-oriented training but also records progress with continuous monitoring. Altogether, the project promises a more targeted and flexible approach to physical rehab.

Customer's Requirem

What this potential customer needed from us in this initial stage was an ethernet solution for a new exoskeleton prototype they were working on. Wearable technology requires steady network transmission so that its sensors can continuously relay information to the central managing system, which in turn can learn from it and make adjustments accordingly. This process contributes to the targeted and flexible approach that these exoskeletons can provide to physical therapy. 

Cervoz's Solution & Advantage

We recommended our MEC-LAN-M102, which uses the Intel Ethernet Controller I210-IT, has a high transmission speed of 1Gbps, and supports two Ethernet ports. At the time, this was Cervoz's only Ethernet product, but we knew that it was more than suitable for the customer's need. With a Mini PCIe form factor, the Ethernet card fits in any host computer with a mini express card slot, taking up little space while providing more connection options.  



Since then, we have gone on to introduce four new MEC-LAN products with two that come in the M.2 form factor. We continue to maintain a relationship with this customer and many more who require MEC-LAN solutions, and we are committed to providing them with the one the best fits their needs.

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