BLOG 2021.08.18

The Future of VR

Major broadcasting and telecom companies once again turned to VR technology during this year’s Tokyo Olympics to give viewers an immersive viewing experience. With the “no spectator” rule firmly in place to contain the spread of Covid-19, it was a good thing that VR was available to give diehard Olympic fans the feel that they were right there at the sidelines of the games, cheering their athletes on.

One thing we have witnessed in this pandemic is the role technology can play to both keep us safe and to keep our daily routines as close to normal as possible. In the case of VR, this technology, which has been around since the mid-1900s, has made house viewing, fashion shows, and training and simulation all possible and feel as “in-person” as possible during the pandemic.

Earlier in the late 2000s and early 2010s, tech companies developing VR seemed to focus heavily on its application in video games, but as such application carried over to other forms of entertainment (e.g. concerts, museums, etc.), different industries began rethinking the possibility of adopting VR. Now, with the rollout of 5G, the possibilities have become infinitely more.

Just last month, Samsung Electronics America, Inc. and GBL Systems Corporation announced they had begun deploying “5G testbeds for Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality at U.S. Army military bases.” These testbeds would enable the testing and verification of AR/VR applications over 5G networks in mission planning and training. The goal, as noted by GBL CEO Jim Buscemi, is ultimately to improve the 5G network intended to support “new DoD 5G-enabled AR/VR training capability.”

VR training is by no means a new use of the technology, but with 5G, the scenarios can be more real and more diverse. According to a Forbes article from late 2020, VR, as it transforms and evolves, is going to impact “our work, education, and social lives. Looking beyond the pandemic, VR is being treated and predicted as an important tool for different industries and businesses. Everything from cooler retailtainment to better health care, VR is promising a new way of experiencing the world.